Landlord repair responsibilities- protect your property

5 min read
Published on
June 6, 2023
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What's your responsibility to repair - and what's not

Navigating the realm of repairs as a landlord can often feel like treading through uncharted waters. It's an area filled with complexities and uncertainties. However, as a responsible landlord, it's crucial to understand your repair obligations and how to navigate them effectively. Our experts at BIG Warranties are here to shed light on landlord responsibilities for repairs and provide you with valuable insights to help you manage this aspect of your rental properties.

As a landlord, you have a legal duty to maintain your property to a habitable standard under the Fitness for Habitation Act of 2018. This means addressing any issues that can affect the health or safety of your tenants. Let's take a closer look at some key repair obligations you should be aware of:

  1. Structural Repairs: Ensuring the structural integrity of your property is essential. Cracked walls, broken windows, and leaking external pipes should be promptly repaired to prevent further problems like water damage or pest infestations.

  2. Mould and Water Damage: Mould growth is often a sign of dampness or water leakage. While tenants should ensure proper ventilation, it's ultimately the landlord's responsibility to address these issues unless negligence on the tenant's part is evident.

  3. Pests: If your property becomes a breeding ground for pests such as rats or mice, it's the landlord's duty to arrange for professional pest control services. However, if tenant negligence, such as poor cleanliness or improper food disposal, contributed to the pest problem, the cost may fall on the tenant.

  4. Heating and Boiler Problems: Your tenants should have access to adequate heating during colder months. As a landlord, it's your responsibility to repair any heating system or boiler issues promptly. Regular boiler inspections are crucial for early identification and resolution of potential problems. Consider landlord boiler cover, which can provide financial protection and include gas safety certification.

  5. Electrical Appliances and Outlets: An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) should be obtained to assess the safety of electrical fixtures and appliances. If electrical problems arise during a tenant's stay and pose a hazard, such as faulty wiring, it becomes the landlord's duty to address them. An electrical fault-finding service can help identify and resolve complex electrical issues.

  6. Fire Safety: Landlords must ensure that smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are functioning properly in the property. Tenants are typically responsible for changing the smoke alarm batteries regularly. In the case of HMO landlords, the responsibility extends to maintaining fully operational fire extinguishers and fire retardant blankets.

While landlords are generally liable for repairs listed above, it's important to note that tenants' negligence can exempt landlords from these obligations. To protect yourself and your investment further, consider taking comprehensive inventory reports before tenants move in. These reports document the condition of the property and can be useful for reference during and at the end of a tenancy.

However, even with proper precautions, unexpected emergencies can still occur, putting you at risk of significant repair costs. That's where BIG Warranties can provide valuable support. Our home emergency insurance is designed to minimize the financial burden of unexpected repairs. From burst pipes to boiler breakdowns, our insurance coverage ensures that you can swiftly address emergencies without bearing the full cost yourself.

In addition to home emergency insurance, we also offer appliance insurance tailored specifically for landlords. Broken appliances can be a major headache, leading to expensive repair or replacement fees. Our appliance insurance provides comprehensive coverage, protecting you from the financial impact of faulty appliances and ensuring peace of mind.

With BIG Warranties by your side, you can confidently navigate the complexities of repairs and emergencies as a landlord. Protect your investment and minimize risk with our reliable insurance coverage. Contact us today to learn more about how our home emergency and appliance insurance can safeguard your rental properties.

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